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We have an annual Semi-Formal and Formal. Semi-Formal allows our members to dress to the dance "theme" and have fun dancing the night away with their sister's at the local Monmouth Legion. Our formal is an elegant dinner and dance that allows our members to dress more formal with their date and sisters. This year's semi-formal theme is "Come on Barbie, Let's Date Party" where members will be able to choose from Barbies past 300+ careers to fulfill their childhood dreams.

Monthly sisterhoods allow for our women to socialize and participate in fun, educational, and team-building activities with one another. Some of our sisterhoods this year included Dip sisterhood (each sister makes a dip and bring it in to test), Tag-A-Sister, Galentines Day Sisterhood, Movie Marathon, Holiday Gift Exchange, Dessert, water balloon fight sisterhood, and many more!

Along with sisterhoods, we have exchanges throughout the year with other Greek organizations. With the other sororities, we have banquet dinners, trivia nights, holiday crafting, and clothing exchanges. With fraternities, we have played flag football, trivia nights, movie nights, and had co-sponsored philanthropy events. 

Each year Monmouth College hosts an annual Greek Week. We are paired with other fraternities and sororities where we execute a dance routine, participate in philanthropy events, and participate in daily competitions. This week also allows for individual organization competition and organizations receive awards in academics, involvement, philanthropy, leadership, etc.