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Chapter Philanthropy

As a chapter we highly value getting involved in both our campus community and surrounding communities. We show our strong philanthropic value through service to our local communities including Western IL Animal Rescue (WIAR), support of the Kappa Foundation, and promotion and participation of our national philanthropy, Reading Is Fundamental (RIF).

As a partner with RIF, we provide one Reading is Key event a year. This event provides children with an environment that highlights the fun opportunities reading offers. It is through our Reading is Key event that we host a themed reading activity, snacks, and book distribution for each child in attendance. To further support RIF, members of our chapter also help at our local library during a weekly children's reading. We also donate books throughout the year and during the Holiday season to the local Jamieson Center, a non-profit organization that serves those in need in the Monmouth Community.

Philanthropy events Spring 2021 : RIF book drive, Tin Cup Coffee Day in support of Kappa Foundation, Jamieson Center Amazon Wish List, WIAR Amazon Wish List.